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UBC’s Learning Exchange computer access and training programs

UBC’s Learning Exchange computer access and training programs

UBC Learning Exchange finds success in their computer access and training programs.

Learning in the Field. Image from UBC Learning Exchange UBC-Community Learning Initiative Annual Update 2010-2011.

Learning in the Field: Bringing Theory to Life in the Community

Amanda Cheong, fourth-year Honours student in Sociology, UBC Faculty of Arts, believed in experiential learning before she came to the University. In her second year of study at UBC, she participated in a community-based research experience that marked a turning point in her academic career.

Students at the ESL Conversation Program. Photo from UBC Learning Exchange UBC-Community Learning Initiative Annual Update 2010-2011.

UBC Learning Exchange ESL Conversation participants break down barriers one language at a time

UBC Medical Laboratory Science student Deborah Chen discovers the “intrinsic value of learning” within the ESL Conversation Program.