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Of wings, tails and claws and other stories

Of wings, tails and claws and other stories

Beaty Biodiversity Museum offers the public rich, hands-on experiences.

High school students get a hands-on expeirence at UBC's Beaty Museum of Biodiversity

A lab crawls, a green walk: Young minds explore science at UBC

Faculty of Science invites grades 7 to 10 students to take a A Walk on the Green Side—a 45-minute tour that helps students discover that tree and plant life on campus— is more than botanical life.

Students and faculty from UBC's Faculty of Science use jello as an outreach tool.

Always room for jello in Science Education

Students and faculty at UBC’s Faculty of Science use jello to explain microfluids during community outreach activities at the Michael Smith Laboratories.

High school students use science to determine "whodunnit".

UBC Graduate Students Put a Criminal Spin on Life Science Outreach

“CSI” inspired program designed to spark high school students’ interest in science.

Geneticist David Ng splices science literacy with creativity

UBC professor David Ng uses creative writing to “talk science” to students of all ages.